Friday, October 6, 2017

How high-risk men's lives may be extended 37%

UK clinical trial shows that two prostate cancer therapies can be much better than one

Can combining two existing therapies extend the life of men with advanced, high-risk prostate cancer by 37%?

A new study seems to answer that question with a "yes."
Nicholas James
"These are the most powerful results I've seen from a prostate cancer trial," reported Nicholas James, professor of clinical oncology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, United Kingdom, lead author of an abstract presented to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, in a recent story by Jessica Glenza in The Guardian. 

It's a "once in a career feeling," he noted. "This is one of the biggest reductions in death I've seen in any clinical trial for adult cancers."

Researchers, the Glenza story indicated, "combined standard hormone therapy with a drug called abiraterone, which is typically used only for cancer patients whose disease has stopped responding to standard hormone therapy."

Patients who received both medications did have "slightly stronger side effects," however — "especially cardiovascular and liver problems."

The study, which looked at a group of 2,000 men, was done as part of an ongoing randomized trial conducted in the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

James also was quoted as saying that "abiraterone not only prolonged life, but also lowered the chance of relapse by 70% and reduced the chance of serious bone complications by 50%."

More than 27,000 men in the United States, and 11,000 men in the UK, die of prostate cancer each year.

Details about many clinical studies on cancer can be found in "Rollercoaster: How a man can survive his partner's breast cancer," a VitalityPress book I, Woody Weingarten, aimed at male caregivers.

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